Based in Ulrome, East YorkshireWant to know more about Rally? Click HereGot a rescue dog? Click HereBased in Ulrome, East YorkshireWant to know more about Rally? Click HereGot a rescue dog? Click Here
Rally involves you and your dog working as a team to navigate a course with numbered signs indicating different exercises to perform... a sort of 'obedience exercise obstacle course' including simple exercises.
Rally is fun – no matter what experience level, although we would recommend that you have reached Silver STARS training level as a foundation. It's easy to get involved and provides a great opportunity for dogs and their guardians to bond while showcasing their skills. Any dog may take part (any breed, pedigree, cross breed, rescue, any size, any age above 6 months with no upper age limited).
At the first two levels, levels 1 and 2, dogs compete on a lead and a loose lead is emphasised. The handler may give verbal commands and encouragement throughout as necessary. Physical or harsh verbal correction is strictly penalised. More advanced levels (levels 3 and above) require dogs to compete off lead.
More information can be found on the Kennel Club website.